FEM/FEA Downloadable Tutorials

In over 30 years of experience in various fields of physics, always utilizing free open-source FEA products, we have developed a wide range of ready-to-use and well-documented examples.

Most of the tutorials focus on real engineering applications, while others are selected for their higher didactical value.

For every tutorial, we provide only the input files, including the mesh and post-processing files. In some cases, we also provide spreadsheet files or any other files needed to carry out the simulation or analyze the results.

Typically, a brief PDF is included to explain the motivation and features of the tutorial. However, for a comprehensive course on a specific solver, consider booking a personal session from the Course and Tutoring section.

In any case, please note that a single tutorial may be less useful without at least a basic understanding of the specific solver beforehand.

For rookie users, we have created the Quick start section, where we explain how to set up the minimum environment to use the specific solver and run the initial cases independently. We typically provide explanations for different solutions on both Linux and Windows operating systems.

In this section, we present many examples across various fields.

Structural - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

CalculiX logoCalculiXImpact logoImpactLAMMPS logoLAMMPSLIGGGHTS logoLIGGGHTSMercury DPM logoMercury DPMTutorials

Thermic - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

Elmer logoElmerCalculiX logoCalculiXTHERM logoTHERMTutorials

Fluid dynamic - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

OpenFOAM.org logoOpenFOAM.orgfoam-extend logofoam-extendOpenFOAM.com logoOpenFOAM.comElmer logoElmerPaLaBoS logoPaLaBoSFDS-SMV logoFDS-SMVTutorials

Electromagnetic - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

Elmer logoElmerFEMM logoFEMMTutorials

Acoustic - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

CalculiX logoCalculiXElmer logoElmerTutorials

Optics - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

Excel macros logoExcel macrosPOV-Ray logoPOV-RayTutorials

Multiphysics - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

Elmer logoElmerpreCICE logopreCICETutorials

Mathematical and Algorithm - All the proposed tutorials has been solved using:

DAKOTA logoDAKOTATutorials